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New Jersey Council of Deliberation

(Our History)


Early Years

On April 29, 1881, DeHugo Consistory No. 2, Camden, New Jersey along with Demolay No.1 of Philadelphia, St. Cyprian No. 4 of Pittsburgh and King David No. 3 of New York met in open convention and formed the United Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, incorporated, for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States of America.

The Scottish Rite degrees were conferred on Past Grand Master ILL. Charles N. Robinson of New Jersey. He became the first Commander in Chief of DeHugo Consistory No. 2, serving under ILL. A.T. Bowman 33°  Deputy of New Jersey and member of Aurora Lodge No. 9 of Camden.

Outstanding Accomplishments

In 1887, ILL. Philip T. Coldings, 33°, was elected Lieutenant Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council, from 1889 to 1890. He was acting in the capacity of Sovereign Grand Commander.

 ILL. Alexander H. Newton, 33°, served as Treasurer Grand, H.E. from 1908 to 1917

ILL. Samuel W. Gordon, 33°, served in that capacity from 1917-1920.


ILL. Frank M.T. Webster, 33°, worked with the committee on the planning and building of our great Scottish Rite Cathedral in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Douglas Consistory No. 10, Valley of Plainfield, was chartered in 1893, followed by Mt. Calvary Consistory No. 22, in the Valley of Atlantic City, was chartered in 1894. May 1918 a charter was granted to a group of Sublime Princes and Sardonias Consistory, No. 41 was formed in the Valley of Newark.  Ophir Consistory No. 48, in the Valley of Trenton, was granted their Charter on May 21, 1921 and Samuel W. Gordon Consistory No. 50 in the Valley of Asbury Park was granted their Charter in 1922


Submitted by: G.I.G. Louis J. Butler, 33°, Gand Historian, NJCOD

Gold Texture Smear

Illustrious Deputies for the Orient of New Jersey

1881 - Ill. AlexanderT. Bowman, 33°

1918 - Ill. Frank T. Webster, 33°

1923 - Ill. Alexander Jeffries, 33°

1941 - Ill. Alonzo W. Baker, 33°

1947 - Ill. C. Morris Cain, 33°. ∴

1962 - Ill. Ernest A. Robinson, 33°

1966 - Ill. Robert Gwaltney, 33° 1975 - Ill. William A. Neblett, 33° 1988 - Ill. Herbert M. Douglas, 33° 2010 - Ill. Arthur R. Crawford, 33° 2019 - Ill. Robert L. Oglesby, Sr., 33°

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