Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Prince Hall Affiliation
Northern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc.
Scottish Rite Degrees
Lodge of Perfection
4th Degree Secret Master
5th Degree Perfect Master
6th Degree Intimate Secretary
7th Degree Provost and Judge
8th Degree Intendant of the Building
9th Degree Elect of Nine
10th Degree Elect of Fifteen
11th Degree Sublime Elect of Twelve
12th Degree Master Architect
13th Degree Arch of Enoch
14th Degree Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason
Council of the Princes of Jerusalem
15th Degree Knight of The East or Sword
16th Degree Prince of Jerusalem
Chapter of Rose Croix
17th Degree Knight of the East and West
18th Degree Knight of the Rose Croix
19th Degree Grand Pontiff
20th Degree Grand Master of All Symbolic Lodges; or Master Ad Vitam
21st Degree Noachite or Prussian Knight
22nd Degree Knight of the Royal Axe; or, Prince of Libanus
23rd Degree Chief of the Tabernacle
24th Degree Prince of the Tabernacle
25th Degree Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26th Degree Prince of Mercy
27th Degree Knight Commander of the Temple
28th Degree Knight of the Sun
29th Degree Knight of St. Andrew
30th Degree Knights Kadosh
31st Degree Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
32nd Degree Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret